NGOD-200 全日本ねとられ大賞受賞作品 地方の古民家物件を購入して脱サラ田舎暮らし系動画配信者として順調にチャンネル登録者数を増やしていた僕達夫婦ですが村の畑を耕す巨根の農業従事者に妻をねとられてしまって……的な話です 紺野ひかる
Her husband is an office worker who purchased a 60-year-old private house in a certain village in the northern Kanto region and started a side job of streaming videos under the name “Rural Living Channel.” In order to increase the number of subscribers and high ratings, her wife also worked tirelessly from filming to editing. Rural Life Channel seemed to be going smoothly, with a middle-aged man named Mr. Ikeda, a farmer working in the same village, appearing on the show, but one day, his wife was a farmer. Mr. Ikeda’s big dick was thrown into me…!
December 10, 2023